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The new Tar release, a retrospective

We are delighted to announce the new release of ocaml-tar. A small library for reading and writing tar archives in OCaml. Since this is a major release, we'll take the time in this article to explain the work that's been done by the cooperative on this project.

Tar is an old project. Originally written by David Scott as part of Mirage, this project is particularly interesting for building bridges between the tools we can offer and what already exists. Tar is, in fact, widely used. So we're both dealing with a format that's older than I am (but I'm used to it by email) and a project that's been around since... 2012 (over 10 years!).

But we intend to maintain and improve it, since we're using it for the opam-mirror project among other things - this unikernel is to provide an opam-repository "tarball" for opam when you do opam update.

Cstruct.t & bytes

As some of you may have noticed, over the last few months we've begun a fairly substantial change to the Mirage ecosystem, replacing the use of Cstruct.t in key places with bytes/string.

This choice is based on 2 considerations:

The pull-request is available here: The discussion can be interesting in discovering common bugs (uninitialized buffer, invalid access). There's also a small benchmark to support our initial intuition1.

But this PR can also be an opportunity to understand the existence of Cstruct.t in the Mirage ecosystem and the reasons for this historic choice.

Cstruct.t as a non-moveable data

I've already made a list of pros/cons when it comes to bigarrays. Indeed, Cstruct.t is based on a bigarray:

type buffer = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t

type t =
  { buffer : buffer
  ; off : int
  ; len : int }

The experienced reader may rightly wonder why Cstruct.t is a bigarray with off and len. First, we need to clarify what a bigarray is for OCaml.

A bigarray is a somewhat special value in OCaml. This value is allocated in the C heap. In other words, its contents are not in OCaml's garbage collector, but exist outside it. The first (and very important) implication of this feature is that the contents of a bigarray do not move (even if the GC tries to defragment the memory). This feature has several advantages:

All these examples show that bigarrays can be of real interest as long as their uses are properly contextualized - which ultimately remains very specific. Our experience of using them in Mirage has shown us their advantages, but also, and above all, their disadvantages:

Ownership, proxy and GC

This last point deserves a little clarification, particularly with regard to the Bigarray.sub function. This function will not create a new, smaller bigarray and copy what was in the old one to the new one (as Bytes.sub/String.sub does). In fact, OCaml will allocate a "proxy" of your bigarray that represents a subfield. This is where reference-counting comes in. This proxy value needs the initial bigarray to be manipulated. So, as long as proxies exist, the GC cannot free() the initial bigarray.

This poses several problems:

As far as the first point is concerned, Bigarray.sub could still be "slow" for small data since it was, de facto (since a bigarray always has a finalizer - don't forget reference counting!), allocated in the major heap. And, in truth, this is perhaps the main reason for the existence of Cstruct! To have a "proxy" to a bigarray allocated in the minor heap (and, be fast). But since Pierre Chambart's PR#92, the problem is no more.

The second point, on the other hand, is still topical, even if we can see that considerable efforts have been made. What we see every day on our unikernels is the pressure that can be put on the GC when it comes to bigarrays. Indeed, bigarrays use memory and making the C heap cohabit with the OCaml heap inevitably comes at a cost. As far as unikernels are concerned, which have a more limited memory than an OCaml application, we reach this limit rather quickly and we therefore ask the GC to work more specifically on our 10 or 20 byte bigarrays...

Finally, the third point can be the toughest. On several occasions, we've noticed competing accesses on our bigarrays that we didn't want (for example, http-lwt-client had this problem). In our experience, it's very difficult to observe and know that there is indeed an unauthorized concurrent access changing the contents of our buffer. In this respect, the question remains open as regards Cstruct.t and the possibility of encoding ownership of a Cstruct.t in the type to prevent unauthorized access. This PR is interesting to see all the discussions that have taken place on this subject2.

It should be noted that, with regard to the third point, the problem also applies to bytes and the use of Bytes.unsafe_to_string!

Conclusion about Cstruct

We hope we've been thorough enough in our experience with Cstruct. If we go back to the initial definition of our Cstruct.t shown above and take all the history into account, it becomes increasingly difficult to argue for a systematic use of Cstruct in our unikernels. In fact, the question of Cstruct.t versus bytes/string remains completely open.

It's worth noting that the original reasons for Cstruct.t are no longer really relevant if we consider how OCaml has evolved. It should also be noted that this systematic approach to using Cstruct.t rather than bytes/string has cost us.

This is not to say that Cstruct.t is obsolete. The library is very good and offers an API where manipulating bytes to extract information such as a TCP/IP packet remains more pleasant than directly using bytes (even if, here too, efforts have been made).

As far as ocaml-tar is concerned, what really counts is the possibility for other projects to use this library without requiring Cstruct.t - thus facilitating its adoption. In other words, given the advantages/disadvantages of Cstruct.t, we felt it would be a good idea to remove this dependency.

1: It should be noted that the benchmark also concerns compression. In this case, we use decompress, which uses bigarrays. So there's some copying involved (from bytes to bigarrays)! But despite this copying, it seems that the change is worthwhile.

2: It reminds me that we've been experimenting with capabilities and using the type system to enforce certain characteristics. To date, Cstruct_cap has not been used anywhere, which raises a real question about the advantages/disadvantages in everyday use.


This is perhaps the other point of the Mirage ecosystem that is also the subject of debate. Functors! Before we talk about functors, we need to understand their relevance in the context of Mirage.

Mirage transforms an application into an operating system. What's the difference between a "normal" application and a unikernel: the "subsystem" with which you interact. In this case, a normal application will interact with the host system, whereas a unikernel will have to interact with the Solo5 mini-system.

What Mirage is trying to offer is the ability for an application to transform itself into either without changing a thing! Mirage's aim is to inject the subsystem into your application. In this case:

So we're not going to talk about the pros and cons of this approach here, but consider this feature as one that requires us to use functors.

Indeed, what's the best way in OCaml to inject one implementation into another: functors? There are definite advantages here too, but we're going to concentrate on one in particular: the expressiveness of types at module level (which can be used as arguments to our functors).

For example, did you know that OCaml has a dependent type system?

type 'a nat = Zero : zero nat | Succ : 'a nat -> 'a succ nat
and zero = |
and 'a succ = S

module type T = sig type t val v : t nat end
module type Rec = functor (T:T) -> T
module type Nat = functor (S:Rec) -> functor (Z:T) -> T

module Zero = functor (S:Rec) -> functor (Z:T) -> Z
module Succ = functor (N:Nat) -> functor (S:Rec) -> functor (Z:T) -> S(N(S)(Z))
module Add = functor (X:Nat) -> functor (Y:Nat) -> functor (S:Rec) -> functor (Z:T) -> X(S)(Y(S)(Z))

module One = Succ(Zero)
module Two_a = Add(One)(One)
module Two_b = Succ(One)

module Z : T with type t = zero = struct
  type t = zero
  let v = Zero

module S (T:T) : T with type t = T.t succ = struct
  type t = T.t succ
  let v = Succ T.v

module A = Two_a(S)(Z)
module B = Two_b(S)(Z)

type ('a, 'b) refl = Refl : ('a, 'a) refl

let _ : (A.t, B.t) refl = Refl (* 1+1 == succ 1 *)

The code is ... magical, but it shows that two differently constructed modules (Two_a & Two_b) ultimately produce the same type, and OCaml is able to prove this equality. Above all, the example shows just how powerful functors can be. But it also shows just how difficult functors can be to understand and use.

In fact, this is one of Mirage's biggest drawbacks: the overuse of functors makes the code difficult to read and understand. It can be difficult to deduce in your head the type that results from an application of functors, and the constraints associated with it... (yes, I don't use merlin).

But back to our initial problem: injection! In truth, the functor is a fly-killing sledgehammer in most cases. There are many other ways of injecting what the system would be (and how to do a read or write) into an implementation. The best example, as @nojb pointed out, is of course ocaml-tls - this answer also shows a contrast between the functor approach (with CoHTTP for example) and the "pure value-passing interface" of ocaml-tls.

What's more, we've been trying to find other approaches for injecting the system we want for several years now. We can already list several:

In short, based on this list and the various experiments we've carried out on a number of projects, we've decided to remove the functors from ocaml-tar! The crucial question now is: which method to choose?

The best answers

There's no real answer to that, and in truth it depends on what level of abstraction you're at. In fact, you'd like to have a fairly simple method of abstraction from the system at the start and at the lowest level, to end up proposing a functor that does all the ceremony (the glue between your implementation and the system) at the end - that's what ocaml-git does, for example.

The abstraction you choose also depends on how the process is going to work. As far as streams/protocols are concerned, the ocaml-tls/decompress approach still seems the best. But when it comes to introspecting a file/block-device, it may be preferable to use a GADT that will force the user to implement an arbitrary memory access rather than consume a sequence of bytes. In short, at this stage, experience speaks for itself and, just as we were wrong about functors, we won't be advising you to use this or that solution.

But based on our experience of ocaml-tls & decompress with LZO (which requires arbitrary access to the content) and the way Tar works, we decided to use a "value-passing" approach (to describe when we need to read/write) and a GADT to describe calculations such as:

val decode : decode_state -> string ->
  decode_state *
   * [ `Read of int
     | `Skip of int
     | `Header of Header.t ] option
   * Header.Extended.t option
(** [decode state] returns a new state and what the user should do next:
    - [`Skip] skip bytes
    - [`Read] read bytes
    - [`Header hdr] do something according the last header extracted
      (like stream-out the contents of a file). *)

type ('a, 'err) t =
  | Really_read : int -> (string, 'err) t
  | Read : int -> (string, 'err) t
  | Seek : int -> (unit, 'err) t
  | Bind : ('a, 'err) t * ('a -> ('b, 'err) t) -> ('b, 'err) t
  | Return : ('a, 'err) result -> ('a, 'err) t
  | Write : string -> (unit, 'err) t

However, and this is where we come back to OCaml's limitations and where functors could help us: higher kinded polymorphism!

Higher kinded Polymorphism

If we return to our functor example above, there's one element that may be of interest: T with type t = T.t succ

In other words, add a constraint to a signature type. A constraint often seen with Mirage (but deprecated now according to this issue) is the type io and its constraint: type 'a io, with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t.

So we had this type in Tar. The problem is that our GADT can't understand that sometimes it will have to manipulate Lwt values, sometimes Async or sometimes Eio (or Miou!). In other words: how do we compose our Bind with the Bind of these three targets? The difficulty lies above all in history? Supporting this library requires us to assume a certain compatibility with applications over which we have no control. What's more, we need to maintain support for all three libraries without imposing one.

A small disgression at this stage seems important to us, as we've been working in this way for over 10 years. Of course, despite all the solutions mentioned above, not depending on a system (and/or a scheduler) also allows us to ensure the existence of libraries like Tar over more than a decade! The OCaml ecosystem is changing, and choosing this or that library to facilitate the development of an application has implications we might regret 10 years down the line (for example... Cstruct.t!). So, it can be challenging to ensure compatibility with all systems, but the result is libraries steeped in the experience and know-how of many developers!

So, and this is why we talk about Higher Kinded Polymorphism, how do we abstract the t from 'a t (to replace it with Lwt.t or even with a type such as type 'a t = 'a)? This is where we're going to use the trick explained in this paper. The trick is to consider a "new type" that will represent our monad (lwt or async) and inject/project a value from this monad to something understandable by our GADT: High : ('a, 't) io -> ('a, 't) t.

type ('a, 't) io

type ('a, 'err, 't) t =
  | Really_read : int -> (string, 'err, 't) t
  | Read : int -> (string, 'err, 't) t
  | Seek : int -> (unit, 'err, 't) t
  | Bind : ('a, 'err, 't) t * ('a -> ('b, 'err, 't) t) -> ('b, 'err, 't) t
  | Return : ('a, 'err) result -> ('a, 'err, 't) t
  | Write : string -> (unit, 'err, 't) t
  | High : ('a, 't) io -> ('a, 'err, 't) t

Next, we need to create this new type according to the chosen scheduler. Let's take Lwt as an example:

module Make (X : sig type 'a t end) = struct
  type t (* our new type *)
  type 'a s = 'a X.t
  external inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) io = "%identity"
  external prj : ('a, t) io -> 'a s = "%identity"

module L = Make(Lwt)

let rec run
  : type a err. (a, err, L.t) t -> (a, err) result Lwt.t
  = function
  | High v -> Ok (L.prj v)
  | Return v -> Lwt.return v
  | Bind (x, f) ->
    run x >>= fun value -> run (f value)
  | _ -> ...

So, as you can see, it's a real trick to avoid doing at home without a companion. Indeed, the use of %identity corresponds to an Obj.magic! So even if the io type is exposed (to let the user derive Tar for their own system), this trick is not exposed for other packages, and we instead suggest helpers such as:

val lwt : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a, 'err, lwt) t
val miou : 'a -> ('a, 'err, miou) t

But this way, Tar can always be derived from another system, and the process for extracting entries from a Tar file is the same for all systems!


This Tar release isn't as impressive as this article, but it does sum up all the work we've been able to do over the last few months and years. We hope that our work is appreciated and that this article, which sets out all the thoughts we've had (and still have), helps you to better understand our work!